Friday 8 November 2013

Crete- June 2010

Myself, on some rocks with dashing replica Chanel glasses

Continuing on with big things I have done to overcome my anxiety just a little after a year on from my first ever flight, which was to New York (previous post) in the summer of 2010 I got the courage to do it all again. In between this time I had finished my exams at Secondary School and was just finishing up my first year of college. For me, at this stage things had improved, my anxiety attacks only come about when I was attempting new things, I just had nerves, nothing too over powering like I was experiencing the year before. So this could be why I felt like I could do this trip.

It was me and my boyfriend who went, we only went for 5 days as we couldn't really afford a whole week- being students and all that! This holiday for me was a big milestone, it was the first time I had been away from my parents, first time I had been on a sunny holiday abroad and only the second time I had flown. 

Throughout our days in Crete we did the normal touristy things, going to water parks, sitting on the beach, going out for drinks in the evening, it was a very enjoyable holiday. An for me this was me really fighting my anxiety, as throughout the holiday I had no attacks, none, for 5 days, in a foreign country, away from home- needless to say I was amazed, proud of myself and grateful to my boyfriend and family for supporting me throughout this time.

Could I really have beat this? Am I clear? Am I free? I really felt it, it felt great to be out enjoying myself with not a care in the world, I felt somewhat 'normal'. 

Be sure to become a follower via bloglovin'! I'm going to be doing more posts like this in the next upcoming weeks. (It may seem like a travel blog for now, but I just want to stress the fact that big fears are achievable!)

Sunday 3 November 2013

The First Challenge I Faced- New York

Looking over to New York City from Brooklyn.

In March/April 2009 my parents wanted to take a trip to New York. For us, once in a lifetime opportunity! I had never been on a plane before and it was roughly going to be an 8 hour flight. Flying was my worst fear (key word, was!) 

The flight was horrendous, I didn't eat, I panicked the whole way. I was shaking for the whole time, completely on edge. But I made it, I made it to the Big Apple.

Times Square
New York was an experience, let's say that. Suffering from social anxiety this was not the ideal place for me, it was the busiest place I had ever been, people everywhere, everywhere. Needless to say the trip was a struggle for me, but I survived to tell the tale! I wouldn't hesitate to go back. For me, New York was the beginning, in all fairness it did bring my anxiety to a point that I had never experienced before. I was unable to do certain things- such as going up the Empire State Building, it was just too much for me to do, but if I ever had the opportunity to go back, I would be up there in a flash! But for the most part I was able to be involved in all the normal touristy activities. 

But the feeling of when the plane touched down in London, the sense of achievement was one of the greatest feelings I have ever experienced to this day.

The President was even pleased to see me

I didn't have any medication to go on this trip, I did it all myself, and to this day I see this as an achievement. When I got back, the trip did bring up mixed feelings and still day to day things were a challenge, but I'm in a better place now and I can look back at this with a positive attitude. One of the main things was the flying aspect! I have now been on a plane 3 times since!